Thank you for using MediaCoder

MediaCoder is a free software which is ABSOLUTELY without any warranty. That means the author doesn't take any responsibility whether this software has any misbehavior or doesn't work at all for your requirements. MediaCoder provides a rich set of options which control the transcoding process. Don't complain if you are not sure that you have got all options correctly set.

MediaCoder is totally free of charge. The continuous development of the software needs your support. To support MediaCoder, you may:

  • Donate for MediaCoder (see here for details)
  • Purchase services around MediaCoder (see here for details)
  • Help with the project
  • Tell your friends MediaCoder is nice
  • Visit sponsors' web sites (the following links)

Before you start using MediaCoder, it is recommended to have Firefox installed, as some user interfaces of MediaCoder depend on the Gecko engine. Firefox is a free, open source, cross-platform, graphical web browser developed by the Mozilla Corporation and hundreds of volunteers. If you really don't like to install Firefox, see here for alternatives.

MediaCoder - more than universal audio/video batch transcoder
MediaCoder is a free software written by Stanley Huang.